Triad Orlando, FL


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Orlando, FL


About Us


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About Us

TRIAD of Central Florida is an adoption search and support group.   Our main purpose is to provide information and support to adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents and others in their quest, this may lie in search and support.  We are the only such group in Central Florida.

TRIAD offers support services to adults searching for their biological heritage.   Meetings are free and open to all.  Any donations received helps to pay for educational and informative materials.

Besides our purpose of helping reunite families separated by adoption, TRIAD offers educational and referral services to the community.  Our group is made up of adult adoptees, adoptive parents, birth parents and many people interested in adoption reform.  We refer to other groups, agencies, or professionals whenever appropriate.   In addition, TRIAD members offer community service by speaking to groups and to the media, educating the public on adoption issues.

Triad offers a truly unique service to the greater Central Florida area.  We work in conjunction with related agencies, such as Catholic Social Services, Children Home Society, and Dept. of Children & Family Services (formerly HRS), whose services do not cover what our group offers.  For those in search, we offer a safe and confidential place to share experiences.  With this often goes a hug or a pat on the back. We invite anyone interested to attend one of our meetings or email for additional information.  


Bertie Hunt, Private Investigator


Harriet LaFace, LMFC


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