American Adoption Congress
Regional Congress
October 23 -25th, 1998
Radisson Plaza Hotel
Orlando, FL
Hosted by
Conference Schedule
Thursday, October 22, 1998
Friday, October 23, 1998
Registration & Welcome
Profound Paralysis:
The Birthmother Struggle
Reunion Socialization
Searching. From Fundamentals to
Advanced Techniques
The Roads Less Traveled:
Male Adoptees Who Search
Severed Ties and Healing
The Adoptee's Two Mothers
Relinquishment and the Broken
Process of Identity Formation
The Unknown Soldier
Hides Corruption" |
Making Contact
Who Am I - Really? Parachuting In From Fantasy to Reality
Does A Birthfather Ever Forget
"More Than Love" VideoF
"Unlocking the Heart of Adoption"
Saturday, October 24, 1998
Continental Breakfast
Living Open Adoption Today
Adoptee Romantic Radar
Public vs Sealed Records
Twice Cheated: For Those Who Search and Find Death
"The Many Lives Of An Adoptee"
"Legislation: Effective Lobbying and Political Grassroots
Good Grief
Ethical Violations Around Relinquishment
Full Circle: The Story of Raime
From the One and Only, To One of Many
Paths to Spiritual Healing
Two Mothers of One Son
Support and Resources: Serving the Need of Those Affected by AdoptionWhy Support?
Conference Schedule
Thursday, October 22, 1998
6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Pre-Registration in Hospitality Room
Friday, October 23, 1998
7:30 - 11:00 am Registration
8:15 - 8:45 am Welcome
Friday, 9:00 -10:15 a.m.
1.Profound Paralysis: The Birthmother Struggle
An examination of the effects inherent in the psychic challenge of letting go of
children and at the same time holding onto them dearly in both memory and fantasy. Ronald
J. Nydam, Ph.D.
2.Reunion Socialization
While holding the possibilities of joy, hope and healing, reunions are wrought with
adjustments and challenges. Travel to a place where the impact of the adoption experience
and subsequent reunion can begin to be understood. Susan Russell, LMSW, birthparent
3.Searching. From Fundamentals to Advanced Techniques
Learn how to analyze non-ID, search without names, utilize libraries and archives; and
use the Internet as a tool, including different Search Engines and links among adoption
Web Sites.Paul Brown, P.I., adoptee
Sue Cook, P.I., adoptee
Friday , 10:30 - 11:45 a.m.
4.The Roads Less Traveled: Male Adoptees Who Search
This panel will explore the unique aspects of the male experience in adoption as well
as the effect of search and reunion on each of their lives.Richard Curtis, M.Ed.,
adoptee, moderator
5.Severed Ties and Healing
In this workshop, a reunited adoptee and birth mother (not related) discuss the life
long impact of adoption's core issues. Psychodramatic techniques will be used to
illustrate the isolation felt by adoptees and birthmothers alike; search and post-reunion
issues.Melodie Creager, MA, LMHC, adoptee, Delores Teller, R.N., birthparent
6.The Adoptee's Two Mothers
The adoptee has two mothers - both of whom are good and bad, as the adoptee perceives
them, and both of whom are "real."B. J. Lifton, Ph.D., adoptee
7.Relinquishment and the Broken Process of Identity Formation
This presentation will throw back the psychological curtain to catch a glimpse of what
the process of identity formation is like for an adolescent who was relinquished and
adopted as an infant.Sandie Gutcher, Ph.D., adoptee
- Two Outstanding Presentations
1:00 - 3:45 p.m.
The Unknown Soldier
Ronald J. Nydam, Ph.D.
" Confidentiality
Hides Corruption"
Christina Crawford
author of Mommie Dearest
Friday , 4:00 - 5:15 p.m.
8.Making Contact
The best ways to make contact after a search has been completed. What works, what
doesn't, what might.Curry Wolfe, birthparent
9.Who Am I - Really? Parachuting In From Fantasy to Reality
Separating "who" you really are versus "what" you represent in
search and reunion. Managing emotions when a birthrelative is not ready for or receptive
to contact.Jane Hart MSW, adoptee
10.Does A Birthfather Ever Forget
This diverse panel will discuss the reality of the loss of a child to adoption from a
birthfather's perspective, as well as examine society's changing attitudes toward the role
of birthfathers. Russ Miller, birthparent, moderator
11."More Than Love" Video
In this documentary film, of special interest to adoptive parents and professionals,
explore the stages of an adopted child's development and learn how and when to talk openly
about adoption. Ronald J.Nydam, birthparent, moderator
7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
"Unlocking the Heart of Adoption"
A documentary film exploring the lifelong effects of adoption in closed, open and
transracial adoptions. Sheila Ganz, MA, birthparent, filmmaker
Saturday, October 24, 1998
8:00-10:00 am Registration
8:00-9:00 am Continental Breakfast
Saturday, 9:00 - 10:15 am
12.Living Open Adoption Today
Support for adoptive families to dispel myths and fears related to opening up their
child's adoption.Sallie Miller-House, MA, birthparent, adoptive parent, Sharon
Weissman, adoptive parent
13.Adoptee Romantic Radar
Why do we choose the people we choose? -How do adoptees arrange their love lives in
ways that have to do with their stories of relinquishment.Ronald J. Nydam, Ph.D.
14.Public vs Sealed Records
How to file a proper petition to open a closed adoption file in the circuit court,
including what information should be requested in the petition. Use of the court system to
access documentation in search. Richard Copeland, Esq.
15.Twice Cheated: For Those Who Search and Find Death
An experiential workshop designed to discuss and explore the feelings of those who have
experienced this profound loss. Melodie Creager, AM LMC, adoptee
10:45 - 12:00 p.m.
"The Many Lives Of An Adoptee"
B. J.Lifton, Ph.D.
1:00 - 2:15 p.m.
"Legislation: Effective Lobbying and Political Grassroots
Honorable Benjamin Graber, M.D.
Saturday, 2:30 -3:45 p.m.
16.Good Grief
A workshop designed to assist members of the tried to find peace and balance through
understanding the phases of the grief process. Provides strategies to cope with sadness
and loss. Edy Nathan, MA, CSW
17.Ethical Violations Around Relinquishment
Examine and understand how the societal context of coercion, accounted for the
shame-based decisions that based the separation of single mothers and their babies, while
basic human values were overlooked. Ronald J. Nydam, Ph.D.
18.Full Circle: The Story of Raime
The personal and emotional journey of Raime, her adoptive parents and her birthmother
in a reunion that has truly come "Full Circle" as two families join as one. Myra
Wells, MA, NCC, adoptee, moderator
19.From the One and Only, To One of Many
This workshop will explore the issues, emotions and dilemmas confronted by an adoptee,
who, at age 55, discovered 14 half siblings. Frederick Miller, Ed.S., adoptee
Saturday 4:00 -5:15
20.Paths to Spiritual Healing
Techniques for finding and developing a spiritual life to help heal the emotional
wounds of relinquishment and adoption. Delores Teller, LN, birthparent
21.Two Mothers of One Son
Hear the story of how the love of a child created a "friendship bridge,"
bringing together a birthmother and an adoptive mother after twenty-eight years. Sondra
Hill, birthparent, Nedra Lambert, adoptive parent
22.Support and Resources: Serving the Need of Those Affected by Adoption
Featuring the work of two organizations: PACE, an adoptive parents support group, and
daniel Memorial's Adoption Information Center, a referral center for resources available
to adult adoptees, birth parents and adoptive parents. Bob Rooks, adoptive parent
Pat Gavin, adoptive parent
23.Why Support?
How do triad members benefit from support groups? Why is it necessary to hear the
"other side" of the adoption story. Jodi McCullough-Underhill, M.ED,
adoptee, adoptive parent
Saturday, 6:30 p.m.
With Disk Jockey "J" Edwards